Tuesday, April 8, 2008

He Is A Mountain

He is a mountain.
He reaches to the stars,
Hoping to touch the light.
The stars dance in his presence.
They delight him.
He is a mountain.

By Jesse Gae


Karen said...

Very good Jesse!
I love poetry.
Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

Great poem jesse this is ty from schhol if you want to know

Anonymous said...

I love the poem. Please post more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

I loved the comment - it took me a few time of reading through to get the cute kids comment! That was great.

Deb Burton said...

Hi Gina, Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting TGMT and leaving a comment. I would love for you to come back when you can spend a little more time. Lots of stuff there to stoke creative juices or provoke some convicting thought. Looking forward to getting to know you.